Vision & Mission

Roles and Responsibilities

The MDCU Conference Center serves as the principal unit within the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, dedicated to supporting medical conferences and managing classrooms and meeting rooms. Its core responsibilities include:

  1. Organizing the Faculty's annual academic conferences, overseen by the Academic Services Committee, and hosting additional conferences designated by the Faculty of Medicine.
  2. Managing classrooms and meeting rooms located within the Aor Por Ror Building, Pattayapat Building, Anandamahidol Building, and the Faculty@MDCU.
  3. Undertaking any additional tasks as assigned.


The MDCU Conference Center aspires to:

  1. Establish itself as the leading unit for providing efficient support in organizing academic medical conferences.
  2. Serve as the central unit responsible for the systematic and optimized management of classrooms and meeting rooms within the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.
  3. Act as a key unit connecting faculty members, medical students, and staffs by supporting medical conferences and promoting systematic, up-to-date, and standardized classroom and meeting room management.
  4. Serve as a model for excellence in internal management practices.
  5. Lead in utilizing advanced technology to develop and implement efficient work systems.